Our Services

Deeanden Consulting Engineers provides benefits through premium and value-for-money solutions and services ranging from traffic planning, traffic engineering, transportation planning, and highway engineering to land/ site due diligence, feasibility studies, town centre congestion and parking, development permitting and supporting our clients through the planning process. Local authorities, non-profit organisations, government departments, government agencies, architects, designers, event managers/ promoters, land promoters, and property developers are among our clients. Through the creation of multidisciplinary engineering teams we serve clients in the Caribbean and United Kingdom. Our experienced teams are key to successful project management and delivery of our solutions. Our services include:

  • Due Diligence of Sites

  • Bid Writing

  • Feasibility Studies for Regeneration and Town/ City Revitalisation Proposals

  • Input and advice to Master Planning exercises

  • Traffic Signal Design and Junction Capacity Analysis

  • Help for Planning Applications, including the development of technical documents such as:

    • Traffic Impact Assessments (TIAs),

    • Transport Assessments (TAs),

    • Transport Statements (TSs),

    • Transportation Assessments,

    • Travel Plans, and

    • Parking Plans.

  • Event Transport Planning and Event Travel Planning for large cultural events, sporting events, leisure events, Carnival fetes.

  • Parking and Shuttle solutions

  • Expert input at Public Consultations

  • Preparation of Transportation Policies and Transport Plans

What are our client’s problems?

Our client’s problems are varied and examples include:

  • Parking problems - not enough parking spaces, poor car park layout, lack of turn over of parking spaces, people parking where it is not desired, problems with traffic jams entering and exiting the carpark, not enough revenue from the carpark.

  • Transport/ traffic documents requested for Planning Application - no experience or expertise in producing the traffic and transport documents needed, uncertainty of whether or not a traffic impact assessment is really needed for the planning application, not sure what is required to satisfy the authorities about how the traffic and transport needs of the development will be handled.

  • Access difficulties/ Highway challenges

  • Poor public transport provision

  • Local traffic congestion - traffic jams causing problems in villages, towns and cities especially negatively affecting businesses.

  • Poor Traffic Signal Timings - not enough or too much green time, too much red time causing traffic jams and delays.

Tell us your traffic and transport problems and we will solve them for you.

Contact us

Contact us to arrange a FREE call to discover more about what we do or to begin to design a solution for your problem.